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TV Shows

Of course you’ve got your favorite TV shows. Of course you’ve got your favorite movies. Who doesn’t? But how do you show your love? And, since your taste in TV shows and movies says so much about you, how do you let other people know the kind of person you are? You could, of course, wrestle passing strangers to the ground and insist that they take a look at what’s currently streaming on your smartphone or tablet – that is, you could, as long as you’re good at handling rejection. Alternatively, you could carry a large movie poster with you wherever you go – provided, that is, you’re not planning to take the bus during rush hour. Thankfully, there’s an easier answer: the Sons of Gotham TV Shows & Movies T Shirts! With hundreds of different TV shows and movies, thousands of different designs, and twenty different styles, the TV Shows & Movies Tees are the stylish solution for any little or big screen fan.

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