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Here’s a useful tip: if you’re starting a revolution to secure Scottish independence, try your best never to let cold facts get in the way of rose-tinted idealism. That’s as true with a 2014 referendum as it was with a 1297 rebellion. Who cares, for example, that the Scots didn’t wear tartan kilts until the 18th century; or that they didn’t paint themselves in blue woad (that was the Picts back in the 2nd century); or that Robert the Bruce didn’t betray William Wallace; or that, in the year Wallace died, Isabella of France was nine years old, still living in France, and unmarried to Edward II? No, the important thing to remember is that while they may take our facts, they’ll never take our freedom to wear … the Sons of Gotham Braveheart T Shirts! Regardless of whether you’re a 6’ 9” historical Scottish warrior or a 5’ 9” modern Australian actor, the Braveheart Tees are the independent choice. The shirts are 100% cotton, independently pre-shrunk, and freely machine washable.
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